Enter your Licence Certificate Code

Your licence order contains

PRO800 Licences

To activate the PRO800 Licences, import this licence file (.lic) into CCT800 (Central Configuration Tool).

Download licence file for CCT800

Your licence order contains


To activate the E-Licences, enter the licence certificate code in your Commend Local Licence Server.

The setup for the Commend Local Licence Server can be found in the cLibrary Online as part of the Commend Installer here

Your licence order contains


To activate the E-Licences, enter the licence certificate code in your Commend Local Licence Server.

PRO800 Licences

To activate the PRO800 Licences, import this licence file (.lic) into CCT800 (Central Configuration Tool).

The setup for the Commend Local Licence Server can be found in the cLibrary Online as part of the Commend Installer here

Licence Certificate Code is invalid.

Offline activation of E-Licences

Upload Request File (.bin file ending)

Licence Certificate Mail

In this video the main information contained in the Commend Licence Certificate will be explained.

Access Licences in Commend Licence Center

After watching this video you know where you can get your PRO800 Licences and where you can download the setup for the Commend Local Licence Server (CLLS).

Activation of E-Licences

In this video all necessary steps for online and offline activations of E-Licences are explained.

Activation of PRO800 Licences

This video shows how to get a CCT800 licence file via the Commend Licence Center and how to activate PRO800 Licences afterwards.