SymMX API: The secure interface to the world of Commend Symphony communication

Could your building management system effectively manage and control your Intercom Systems?
You will be amazed – with the Symphony MX Device API, it is now possible!

Our API allows not only Intercom Stations, but also Symphony Modules to be easily controlled directly by external systems. In addition, the Symphony MX Device API provides current status and history information and can be seamlessly integrated into overall solutions.

Are you ready to take your building management processes to the next level? Let's explore together how the SymMX Application Programming Interface (API) can help you achieve this.

Practical Example: Control via REST-API*

In this scenario, a building management system could combine data from various sensors (e.g. smoke or motion detectors, in the industrial sector also production or machine data) and use this data to automatically perform various actions and send corresponding control commands to the Symphony communication system:

  • Automatically forward calls to specific persons or intercom stations
  • In case of an emergency, automatically switch intercom stations to emergency mode to help inform and protect people and property
  • Automatically execute pre-programmed processes (e.g. emergency notifications, alarms, announcements, evacuation assistance measures)
  • Capture and return data as needed, such as acoustically identified and located sounds that are detected as critical by intelligent audio monitoring
  • And much more

Cyber Security included

Application programming interfaces (APIs) must be secure from hacker attacks. However, Commend goes even further: like all Symphony components, the SymMX API is developed according to Commend's strict cybersecurity criteria in the spirit of "Privacy and Security by Design." This means:

  • Cyber Security is a central component of the interface from the first line of code.
  • Data is transmitted exclusively via HTTPS encryption to and from third-party systems.
  • All REST API endpoints are additionally secured by authentication.
  • For access credentials, the protection goes even further with user-specific user/tokens that are not transmitted with Digest access authentication (Digest auth).

What "control benefits" does the SymMX Device API offer for you and your application environment? Your local Commend partner is available for further information and will gladly help you on your way to the perfect solution for your requirements.

*REST-API: a programming interface that is aligned with certain software design principles (REST = REpresentational State Transfer).

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