Silent Alarms and Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems

Emergency workers often lack crucial information when intervening from the outside, for example in the case of a physical attack on a person. This must be improved.

Silent alarms provide fast, secure support in emergencies. They allow discreet monitoring from outside, aiding threatened individuals without escalating the situation. This concept is widely used in job centers, employment offices, and emergency services.

The "silent alarm" is a discreet system that triggers an alarm without any noise or visible indications, making it hard for intruders to detect. Once activated, it automatically alerts a designated alarm center, such as the police or in-house security.

Find out how it works in this video:

Employers have the responsibility to protect their employees. Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems offer effective protection in critical situations, ensuring a safe working environment with the support of silent alarms.

An Advanced Security Building Intercom System (ASBIS) allows real-time assessment of the situation from the outside. When a silent alarm is triggered, the system grants immediate access to microphones, loudspeakers, and cameras on-site. This actively aids first responders and crisis teams in implementing effective emergency plans by providing valuableadditional information, such as the presence of weapons, injured individuals, and the number of people in the room. This enables faster and more targeted emergency responses.

Commend's systems have an emergency mode that activates the camera for visual surveillance. They also allow direct address to deter potential perpetrators and de-escalate dangerous situations, protecting potential victims. Utilizing technical solutions enables improved on-site assessment, targeted response, and early hazard detection.

For more information on Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems, click here or consult your local Commend sales partner.

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