Secure Today – Prepared for Tomorrow

Cybercrime increasingly threatens companies and critical infrastructures. To counter this, new laws in accordance with the NIS-2 and RCE directives will come into force in Europe from October 2024, setting high cybersecurity standards.

Let’s dive into NIS-2 and how our solutions can support companies subject to the resulting national laws: The NIS-2 directive aims to unify cyber security within the EU and must be transformed into national law by October. Companies to which it applies must implement organizational, operational, and technical measures to mitigate network and information security risks, covering physical and supply chain security as well.

And even if these regulations don’t apply directly to you, it is always better to ensure your systems are cyber-secure for smooth business operations.

At Commend, we focus on the highest security standards. Our products and solutions are designed according to the principle 'Privacy and Security by Design' to minimise the attack surface in the end customer’s system.

This way, we actively support you in strengthening your cyber resilience and in meeting the legal requirements. Discover how our technologies can integrate into your security strategy and find out more about protection of critical infrastructures.

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Our solutions ensure seamless and secure communication in critical environments. Among other things, we have implemented the following measures:

  • Certified according to IEC 62443-4-1 and ISO 27001
  • Secure standard internet protocols, strong cryptography, maximum device and data security, manipulation detection and vandalism-protected intercom stations
  • Integrated solutions to support standard procedures and emergency plans (ASBIS)
  • Comprehensive support, continuous software monitoring and updates, external pen tests

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