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Public Transport Communications

Millions of commuters rely daily on various modes of public transportation, expecting prompt assistance and safety. Our communication solutions, including public address, cameras, info terminals, and more, enhance customer service and operational efficiency.

Ensuring seamless communication anytime, anywhere is our goal. Imagine a passenger at a noisy public transport stop struggling to hear an announcement. It's frustrating when the sound quality is poor, especially if it's about a delay. Now, consider if it were an emergency announcement with crucial instructions—clear communication is vital.

Public transport depends on vital tools like public address systems, ensuring clear communication for schedules, emergency instructions, and a secure experience. Commend systems seamlessly integrate with existing solutions, adapting to ambient noise levels and allowing operators to make pre-recorded announcements for effective crowd management.

Enhancing commuter journeys and ensuring passenger safety also involves user-friendly information and emergency call stations. These provide immediate assistance through direct connections to the control center. Conversational AI can be used additionally for routine requests to optimise the passenger experience and support control room staff efficiently.

Commend solutions streamline large Intercom networks by offering operators a comprehensive view. Studio, our control desk software, consolidates Intercom server functions on monitors, presenting real-time event details. Symphony Web and Mobile Client enhance information management, striking a balance between remote control and on-site support for a safer travel experience for passengers.

Explore how public transport operators enhance customer satisfaction and safety. For more details, download our new brochure here:


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