id8 - Mastering Trusted Communication at Your Fingertips

Introducing our newest product: the id8 control desk, powered by Commend Symphony technology. With advanced features and direct dialing buttons, id8 takes call management to new heights, reducing response times and streamlining workflows for control room staff. Experience the ultimate control desk with id8, designed to provide complete control over your security system, ensuring prompt call detection and response.

Modern meets classic:

  • The proven features of Commend's intercoms with the impressive software control desk functions of the Symphony world.
  • State-of-the-art and yet compatible with first generation devices.
  • The essentials well structured and yet, everything available on one control desk thanks to the touch display.
  • Suitable for almost all areas of application thanks to various layouts and yet individually adaptable.
  • Extremely bright 8" touch display for an optimal user experience and yet expandable with up to 5 direct dialling button modules with 14 physical buttons each and there is one freely programmable button directly on the device. This physical button on the device can be programmed e.g. for answering calls, as a door opener, for push to talk, etc.
  • Optionally with integrated high-resolution colour video camera available and always with crystal clear sound up to 20 kHz uHD voice quality.
  • The id8 will be available in black and silver.


Click here for more info about id8

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