

No doubt precaution is always better than healing. Not just where our biological immune system is concerned, but also when our IT equipment becomes…


In an era marked by rapid technological advancement, Commend invites its customers to embrace a future-proof approach, where investments made today…


Millions of commuters rely daily on various modes of public transportation, expecting prompt assistance and safety. Our communication solutions,…


In the midst of the bustling terminals and dynamic skies of an airport, it is important to ensure that passengers can navigate their way with ease.…


In today's digital world, cybercrime is a top concern for businesses. Especially with regulations like NIS2, CISA and others demanding high security…


To enhance the user experience and ensure uninterrupted communication, our Symphony Cloud comes now with customisable call forwarding rules. Call…


Introducing our newest product: the id8 control desk, powered by Commend Symphony technology. With advanced features and direct dialing buttons, id8…


Emergency workers often lack crucial information when intervening from the outside, for example in the case of a physical attack on a person. This…


Find out how a Symphony Cloud Parking Solution can reduce costs and increase revenue for your business...


For over 50 years, Commend has been a trusted partner for Control Desk Solutions, providing solutions to support customers in their daily tasks.


In today's cloud-driven, AI-powered world of global mobile connectivity, it's easy to assume that devices from previous decades would be rendered…


Wind turbines, especially offshore ones, are complex and can reach heights of up to 200 meters. Maintaining them is time-consuming and comes with…